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Friday, 3 April 2015

Fast and furious - Review

It kills to play safe and remain covered but when the cost is expected in millions than its necessary to prefer security so they choose a brand and this is the safest brand "Fast and furious".

This is a brand name in cinema throughout the world. In India, movie released today on an awkward day of Thursday. Bollywood usually released movies on Friday but fortunately its a holiday so, huge crowd was waiting to fall into the thrill with speed and fastest level of furious moments.

Story is nothing but a search of villain by a team and finally they make it. First 80 minutes they spend to search for a device and remaining minutes are invested to find the culprit.

Top most stares are at their best with support of best technicians. Selected location for drama are awesome.

Script is breathtaking and dialogues are heart touching. Its a pleasant time pass to watch the movie. You have no better choice other than the fast and furious. Their is a series of shots which you want to remember forever but nothing is different from previous.

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