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Thursday 12 February 2015

Yes I'm a teacher......

I'm a teacher..............
Behind that doctor,
there is me a teacher........... Behind that economist,
there is me, a teacher.......... Above those astronomers there is me a teacher..............
I carry the light even though they mostly make jokes of me...........
But i am a teacher........
I don't qualify for a RDP house nor earn enough to buy an expensive one.............
But yes, i am a teacher...........
Some think or even say that
i have so much holidays, never knowing that i spend those holidays either correcting papers or planning what and how m i going to teach when i go back to school........
Because i am a teacher.., sometimes i get confused and even get stressed by the ever changing policies by the politicians who have political powers over what and how i have to teach.......
Despite that all i am a teacher and i have to teach and i'm teaching.............
On pay days i don't laugh as others do, by the next day i have to come with a smile to those that i teach........... Because i'm a teacher......... The main source of my satisfaction is when i see them growing, succeeding, having all those assets, bravely facing the world and its challenges, 
and i say yes i've taught inspite of living in world opened by Google..
Because i am a teacher............
Yes i am a teacher........
It doesn't matter  how they look at me,
it doesn't matter how much more thy earn than me,
it doesn't matter that thy drive and i'm walking,
because all what thy have is through me a teacher.. Whether they acknowledge me or not...... 
I am a teacher........... 
pass this to all the teachers n make them proud  of their career.

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